Building and Zoning

The Town has contracted with Hy-Byrd Incorporated to provide building department services.  They provide necessary State of Florida certified and licensed personnel to operate the building department for the town.

The Building Official  is  available by appointment in the Hypoluxo office.  

For Code Enforcement issues, please contact the Building Department at (561) 582-0155.

All contractors and subcontractors must be registered with the Town.

Permit submittal is in person.   One set of electronic copy of plans may be required.  

Subpermits are required for each entity and is a separate application.  Please include costs on the master permit otherwise, the subpermits will be treated as individual permits.

Please ensure that the contractor has contacted the association or civic association for their approval requirements.


Inspections will be performed Monday through Friday.  The deadline to submit an inspection is 3:00 PM the day before the inspection.  Please do not call and leave recorded inspection requests. 


A current contractor registration number is required on all permit applications. 

To register for the current fiscal year please complete and return a new Contractor Registration form - available for downloading - with your payment, and copies of the following:

Contractor Certification (state or county) valid for the current fiscal year, current fiscal year Business Tax Receipt for your business location, Certificates of Insurance - naming the Town of Hypoluxo as Certificate Holder - showing Liability and Workers Compensation coverage.

There is no charge if you are state licensed.  If you are not, the fees are $2.00 for Palm Beach County contractors who hold a Countywide Municipal Business Tax Receipt (CW classification in the upper right hand corner) or $25.00 for all others.


HURRICANE PREPARATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES:  Please note the requirements that Section 110.9 of the PBC Amendments to the Florida Building Code, Section 110.9, Section 3301.2, and Section 115.  Please see attached Hurricane Letter from the Building Official